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Airbrushed Name Styles

Script Style

$20 & up (On White or Light Color T-Shirts)

Prices Reflect Cost of Airbrush Work Only

(Unlimited Coloring)

Big Graffiti Style Lettering

$35 & Up (On White or Light Color T-Shirts)

Prices Reflect Airbrush Cost Only

(Unlimited Coloring)

Airbrushing Design Guidelines

We reserve the right to decline artistry work in design concept or wording on any shoe, shirt, etc

that goes against our family friendly design laws.

-No Profanity​

-No Hoochie/Hoodie Momma

-No Playboy Bunny

-No Zodiac Symbols or Zodiac Wording

-No Explicit Content

-No Gang Designs

-No Horror Images, Characters or Skulls

-No Images of Weapons

Thank you for your cooperation!

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